On Texting Drunk!

Hello everyone,

I know that I haven’t been on here lately but every week WordPress sends me a notice saying how many people have read my blog. It’s not a big number, and blogs are a bit passé, but I will make an effort to check in on you readers every now and again as long as you keep checking in on me.

A poem of mine called ‘On Texting Drunk’ is appearing in Blue Unicorn this month. If you’re interested please pick up the latest issue.

Thanks for your continued interest


My poem lies beyond that surprisingly horrific cover

Continue reading “On Texting Drunk!”

Dear Scammers,

NOTE: First Published 11/18/14

I could have used a vacation. A cruise sounds nice, and maybe you could have had me. But you used a prerecorded message. Am I really supposed to believe that you give away so many cruises that it warrants a prerecorded message? Was it somehow cheaper to make the recording instead of just telling me personally?

Do better next time,

ps I am on the Do Not Call List, so next time will have to be with someone else